ESG Compliance Managementsystem

ESG Compliance Managementsystem

An effective compliance management system ensures that various quality standards are met and thus ensures quality assurance throughout the company.

While typically so far many listed companies had a more intensive focus on compliance management system, the importance of addressing governance issues (ES“G“) is growing for companies in particular, due to the mandatory sustainability reporting according to CSRD. The ESRS G1 standard (corporate policy) standardises reporting obligations in the area of compliance. The ESRS G1 standard focuses in particular on the areas of corruption and bribery, political influence and lobbying, payment practices and relationships with suppliers. Even before mandatory sustainability reporting, companies were able to commit to compliance criteria by implementing various ISO standards, such as risk management, anti-corruption management or quality management. The aim is to identify potential weaknesses and implement internal quality assurance processes, ranging from appropriate complaints management and regular training for employees to the establishment of a whistleblower policy.

Our services in connection with compliance topics

We are happy to advise you on governance issues related to ESG and can advise you in the following areas, among others:

  • Identifying the main impacts, risks and opportunities, as well as the disclosure requirements to be reported in connection with ESG G1
  • Training, further education and workshops on ESG topics
  • Identification of stakeholders
  • Dialogue with stakeholders and stakeholder engagement
  • Support in establishing a code of conduct

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