How about a Healthy Advice?
Our experts know the challenges facing the food industry. Among others, the extensive saturation of the domestic market and the great pressure in the food trade as well as highly contested export markets and the changing demands of consumers. To be successful in this competitive arena, continuous innovation is required.
Profit from advanced experience in CEE
TPA has long-standing experience advising companies in the food industry and the food trade. In the last few years, origin, quality assurance and transparency have become important issues throughout Europe. We place our expertise regarding the latest tax guidelines at your disposal and advise you at the highest level.
In all 12 CEE/SEE countries we are already for a long time, and therefore our tax experts know the local markets and special features by heart. Profit from their unique know-how and advanced experience at your crossborder activities.
Closer to the client, in thoughts and in actions. Find out more about further Industries.