Information Technology & Media
Cutting Edge Communication Our specialists assist you through these changes with their expert knowledge. We advise you on the great challenges you face, such as corporate governance, credit rating or alternative financing models. We are, however, not content with simply a standard solution. Together, we will find a solution – made-to-measure for you and dependent […]
Insurance & Financial Service Providers
Face increasing challenge Our experts know what moves insurance companies and financial service providers. They can help you to face the increasing challenges. Benefit from TPA’s know-how in such ground-breaking areas as transparency, Solvency II or Basel III. We will gladly offer advice on the new Rules for Alternative Investment Funds. We analyse the current […]
Efficient Use of Tax Benefits. Holding Companies. For example, in a holding company, it is relatively easy to integrate further companies. However, there are many regulations as regards taxation and antitrust law which have to be considered. This is where TPA enters the picture. Our experts provide comprehensive advice on the possibilities and risks associated […]
Consultancy for Increasing Demands Our experts know the challenges in trade. Shorter product life cycles, smaller profit margins and increasing regulatory demands – these factors require flexible structures and a willingness to innovate. Also, the significance of communication using the most modern techniques is growing. Only those who are up-to-date will reach their clients. Experience […]
Maintain control over your finances Small and medium-sized companies in particular have to keep their costs under control and optimize tax opportunities. We have the experts to support you. They will help you to maintain control over your finances and to keep your tax burden as low as possible. More time & energy with Outsourcing […]
Healthcare Austria
Demand for provision increases In particular in the field of preventative health care, a future-oriented market has developed. An increasing number of people take care of their body and nutrition. They make conscious decisions as regards their choice of doctor or additional health insurance. At the same time the demand for appropriate services – from […]
Self-employed Professionals
Exchange administrative tasks to Power and Flexibility Whether a single-member company or a small/medium-sized company – the same is true for everyone: your taxation expenditure should be as low as possible. TPA helps you to remain in control of your finances. And we can carry the burden of administrative tasks for you. For example, by […]
Energy Industry
Alternatives: Rethinking new possibilities Household equipment, cars, computers: the use of energy is, nowadays, a given. On the one hand, the need for the supply of electricity, gas, heat and water is increasing. On the other hand, the limited availability of raw materials as well as climate protection require a careful handling of resources. This […]
Aim High with Sound Advice With TPA you build upon a safe foundation. We are a reliable partner with knowledge of the construction industry. Where others may back-out of a deal is the point where it becomes extremely interesting to our experts. Our clients are small and medium-sized companies as well as large groups or […]
Waste Industry
Innovations and Progress Rapid technological advances make it more important than ever to keep abreast of the latest trends in the waste industry. Our experts are well acquainted with the ISO quality standards and the latest statutory provisions and standards. They can answer all your sepcialised questions both in Austria and in the entire EU […]